
The Things I've Seen...

so driving around LA, you see all sorts of things that confuse/inspire/anger you. here's a few from my last couple weeks. sorry for the crappy photos, but it's tough to snap good pics while driving a stick shift.

up first... this guy. he's got an old-timey motorcycle, a faceless helmet, and, yes, a backpack with a perfectly placed baguette sticking out the top. he's soooo out of central casting, i had to look around to see if i'd driven into a movie shoot. did props put the baguette there?!?!

this old volvo is PERFECTION. right down to the cute mutt hanging out in the passenger seat. (not that there's anything wrong with my old volvo.)

it's hard to see in this photo, but that is a nice drawing of a cow on the door. no other indication of what this truck's owner does. just a picture of a cow on the door. which wouldn't be so weird in wisconsin. but as you can see, this is on venice boulevard in the middle of LA. is there a nearby dairy farm i'm not aware of?

you see these douchebag DUI attorney ads all over the bus system. this one amazes me in its absolutely TERRIBLE picture. who can trust this guy to win in court if he can't even pose for a picture without unconvincingly holding the phone. "hello, amir? this is trevor. it might help your business to not look like an a-hole on your bus bench ad. later."

last one... very bad photo, but you've all seen this before: a hospital employee out in public in their scrubs. this woman, in particular, is wearing a full-on wrap thing on top of normal scrubs, like she's a surgeon or something. doesn't stopping to get gas defeat the whole point of scrubs?! being a bit of a germophobe, i will now be completely creeped out that the guy about to operate on my delicate organs was just touching a filthy gas station pump on his lunch break. i mean, even if you wash your hands, germs get on the scrubs... then back onto your hands... and then into my body orifice. PLEASE, PACK A CHANGE OF CLOTHES!

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