
Gotta Buck?

here's something that annoys me and probably no one else on the planet... driving around a lot today and kept seeing burger king billboards promoting their dollar menu. the billboards say "gotta buck?" i'm not stupid. i understand their point. their asking if you have a dollar. but they're actually not asking that. you see, it should say "got a buck?" by saying "gotta buck" they're actually asking "got to buck?" (which means an entirely different thing). "gotta" does not equal "got a." how does this happen? did they just like the look of "gotta" on the billboard? did they not realize their mistake? is it a joke similar to that t-shirt that shows the union jack but has "greece" written under it? are they actually implying "got to buck?" and i'm just too dumb to see the genius of that? no matter what, it annoys the living piss outta (meaning "out of") me. so i just googled to see if ANYBODY else on the planet has noticed this, i found this intelligent blogger... http://littlemissnomad.blogspot.com/2008/04/burger-king-botches-billboard.html (who also brilliantly points out that "gotta buck?" is no shorter than "got a buck?"). are we the only people bothered by this in the whole world?!?! maybe that's good. i don't wanna (meaning "want to") promote burger king if they're gonna (meaning "going to") be all willy-nilly with the english language. f them. i got a buck... and it's going to mcdonalds.

1 comment:

Little Miss Nomad said...

Of course, it's possible we've jumped the gun on this one. Perhaps, just perhaps, BK is using the word "buck" as a verb and is trying to attract a rodeo-attending, bronco-sympathetic crowd who understand the double entendre (in a hurry? gotta buck? get it! get it!) of a dollar equaling a speedy meal.

Or, you know, they decided their creepy commercials weren't enough of an annoyance...