
What's good about sports...

i've always said, "sports would be great if it weren't for the a-hole athletes." well, this weekend brought two reminders of how fun sports can be... and it's due to good characters who happen to be athletes.
  1. thanks to schmeltz for forwarding me this link. sir charles himself says he's running for governor in 2014. and what's most exciting... he says some intelligent, reasonable, tolerant, political beliefs - that i happen to agree with. viva fiscal responsibility and social liberty!


  2. the phillies are getting a lot of press for their recently heated rivalry with the mets. awesome. it was great to see the phils back up jimmy rollins's "team to beat" trash-talk last year. it's also good to see them take some time out from spring training to keep it loose. kendrick is in shock... and it's really fun to laugh at him. why do i have a feeling brett myers would've knifed someone if this was played on him?

yes, lots of athletes are douchebags... but this is fun stuff.

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